Martes, Hunyo 14, 2011


HI! my name is Hazel B. Barros 21 years of age former residence of Brgy.Bago Grande,Panay,Capiz.I am a graduating college student by the course of BCSL or BACHELOR OFCOMPUTER SCIENCE LADDERIZED at Hercor College I send this school because I like the structures of their facilities,their instructor are very effective in teaching to the student,the styles and design of their laboratories and the most likely is their equipment being used is very new and updated.
All I can say is Hercor College is one of the school in Capiz can understand the situation of the student inters of financial that's why they allowing to enroll the students for only 500pesos that's why its not hard for the parents to enter their children to college.And not only that Hercor college offer the good high quality of education to the student,they give a chance to the student to do their OJT or ON JOB TRAINING on abroad that is why for me Hercor College is really really the best

Lunes, Marso 14, 2011

Personal Information

This is the first time to create a blog by the way I 'm Hazel Barros 21 years of Age and former residence of Brgy. Bago Grande Panay Capiz. I was graduated my elementary education at Loctugan Elementary School,and I also finished my secondary school at  Roxas City School for Philippine Craftsmen majoring in dressmaking because that is a vocational school.And right now I still studying at Hercor College taking up a Computer Science  Ladderized .My father is Mr. Remegio S. Barros he is a farmer  and  my mother is Mrs. Haidee B. Barros she is a plane housewife....My eldeST brother is Mr. John  Nicolas B. Barros he is also a farmer and had already got married with  Mrs. Jenelyn L. Baylon together with their one kids John Philip L.  Barros and my second broters is Mr. Bazil B. Barros he is still single.I know that studies is not easy to achieve their so many struggles and difficulties that  we are going to face and I beleive that education is for the person who is strong and strive hard. But sometimes i feel sad just because thier so many student that they cannot give more time and effort for their studies in behalf of the effort of their parents to send their to school that is my own opinion and that is all about me thats all thank you!!!